
z "" should act as z with no arguments (go to home directory)

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When we pass in an empty string it should treat it as if there are no arguments. I have this issue since I have a custom alias that is like this:

function s() { 
  z "$1" 

(I call it s because if I called it z it would lead to stack overflow)

So it works as expected - changing directory will show me what is inside of that directory. However it won't work when we input an empty string, as it will receive z "" which doesn't work

It would be nicer if z "" would by default change to home directory. And I have to resort to this for now:

function s() {
  z $1 # Does not follow best practices

Have you tried z "@"?

Have you tried z "@"?

It says there is no match found. However, I was able to make it simpler with:

function s() { 
  z $1

(still doesn't change the original idea though)

My bad, I missed the $ sign. This function will work for you:

function z() {
  z "$@"