
__zoxide_cd:cd:2: no such file or directory: world!

BurntNail opened this issue · 4 comments

Whenever I try to use cdi in my terminal, I get this error:

__zoxide_cd:cd:2: no such file or directory: world!

I use zsh, with the following command in my .zshrc:

eval "$(zoxide init zsh --cmd cd)"

Is there a way I can use cdi, or zi in the default configuration?

What version of zoxide / zsh is this?

zoxide --version
zsh --version

Zsh: zsh 5.9 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)

This issue seems to affect me on both machines running Fedora 39 & 40 (v0.9.2).

Also - If I sudo dnf remove zoxide and cargo install --git https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/ , I still get the issue.

This is almost certainly an issue specific to your setup. cdi is based on the zoxide query -i command, which only outputs absolute paths (so just world! should not be possible), and it only outputs directories that exist.

It's hard to debug without having access to your setup. But here's some steps I think you could use to debug this on your own:

  • The cdi command is an alias of __zoxide_zi.
  • You can see the source code by running type -f __zoxide_zi.
  • Once you see the source code, try running it bit by bit manually and see where the world! result is coming from.

Managed to fix it - it was an error with my fzf installation. There seems to be a crate called fzf that prints Hello, world! which I had mistakenly installed and it was overriding my system fzf. Sorry!