Error importing sonarqube report into sonar
Closed this issue · 6 comments
There is an error in generated sonarqube report and details about the problem is present in below link,
Please help to fix it.
Hi @kmlp10 SonarQube support is contributed by @cynthiabaran
@cynthiabaran any ideas what might be happening here?
I've got the same error with wrong line position.
On the SonarSource community page suggested a variant of modifying the result with the jq tool, but the output JSON has a different structure.
I use this script:
jq '(.issues[] | .primaryLocation.textRange | .endColumn) |= . - 1' njsscan-report.json
I suggested a fix for this issue. I would be interested to get a new tag as well to publish a new docker image please.
thanks in advance
@ajinabraham thanks for the merge, the fix has been tested successfully, could you please tag this commit 0.3.3 ?
Thanks a lot