
Installing Telltail Sync on macOS Fails - Segmentation Fault

rushvora opened this issue · 13 comments

Attempting to run ./telltail install sync --tailnet tailnet-name --device device-name results in [1] 33643 segmentation fault.

I downloaded telltail-cli-mac-amd64, for a 2020 13" MBP.

Telltail Sync is up and running successfully on my other devices, Windows, iOS, and Linux, with successful copy pasting across them. Telltail Center is running on a Linux PC.

Let me know how I can help in debugging this issue.

Heya. Is it an M1 based Mac or an Intel based? If it is an M1 based, you'd need telltail-cli having 'arm64' in its name, not 'amd64'.

It's an Intel based Mac.

That's unfortunate, as I don't own a Mac. So it'd be difficult for me to sort this issue out.

I understand… any tips on how I can go about debugging this?

If you're okay with installing Go on your machine, I can tell you the instructions which you can follow as is:

  1. Download and install Go from https://go.dev/doc/install
  2. Clone Telltail CLI repo onto your machine
  3. cd into the project using terminal, and then run go run . install sync --tailnet tailnet-name --device device-name

Unlike npm's npm run start, go run . also automatically downloads the deps on first run, so you don't need any extra command for it. This also means that the first run of the command will take a little bit of time.

Running CLI this way might give a stack trace which would be useful for us.

I have the same error: segmentation fault when I am trying to install center using the command
./telltail install center --auth-key <auth-key>

Mac Intel processor got the amd64 version of the app and renamed to telltail and gave permission chmod +x. Could you please suggest?

@doctopus I don't own a Mac so I can't help you here, at least not right now. I am starting to suspect it is more of a binary issue than anything.

@doctopus and @rushvora: I've updated Telltail, can you try again?

You can uninstall any leftover Telltail program using this way and setup Telltail again by following this guide.

Thank you for the update @ajitid

I could not execute the uninstall command on the previously installed version of telltail.
./telltail uninstall center command returned 1595 segmentation fault ./telltail uninstall center
./telltail uninstall sync returned 1641 segmentation fault ./telltail uninstall sync

I went ahead with removing the file and install the new version. But at the ./telltail install center --auth-key <tailscale-auth-key> step it opens a system pop up saying the file can not be opened, as follows.

20240807 174652-CleanShot

This is a macOS thing. You have to 'open' it once before you can run any command. To do that, right click on Telltail and click Open. A popup will appear asking your confirmation, choose Open. A terminal window will then open up which you can close it.

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 5 03 04 AMx

You would be able to run ./telltail install after this.

Sidenote: this new telltail would be able to remove leftover from the previous version as well. Run these commands first before you run ./telltail install commands

Ok, I could do it but it had to be allowed from the Privacy and security menu after attempting to open once.
20240807 202421-Privacy   Security

Installation of center went perfectly. But I am not able to access my tailnet url. Possibly a DNS propagation issue since I renamed my tailnet name just before installation. Will update later.

Closing this as doctopus could verify that Telltail is able to run both on M series and Intel based Mac. Rushabh, if it doesn't work for you let me know. We can reopen this.

Thank you so much for help.