
[Julia] Symbols

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Instead of doing this:

using DataFrames
u_col_names=[symbol("user_id"), symbol("age"), symbol("sex"), symbol("occupation"), symbol("zip_code")]
#another way to do the same without adding each entry as a symbol. Thanks to [Jubobs](http://stackoverflow.com/users/2541573/jubobs) from this [stackoverflow post](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27629206/why-does-this-list-comprehension-return-an-arrayany-1-instead-of-an-arraysymb/27629609#27629609) for the suggestion.
col_names=["user_id", "age", "sex", "occupation", "zip_code"]
u_col_names=map(symbol, col_names)
users = DataFrames.readtable("data/ml-100k/u.user", separator='|', header=false, names=u_col_names)

You can simply do this because you are already hard coding the names:

u_col_names=[:user_id,  :age,  :sex,  :occupation,  :zip_code]
ajkl commented

Yes absolutely. I dont know why i didnt think of it! Someone pointed this out in the hacker news comments section too.

ajkl commented
