
Notes on RC 1.0

adamjgrant opened this issue · 18 comments


Just finished a Kickstrap project I'll be sharing soon. I now have time to commit myself on getting Kickstrap to v. 1.0.

There are going to be some philosophical changes (let's say) to how Kickstrap will work and what it is intended to be used for. I'll provide some more background later, but here's the gist:

Kickstrap 1.0 will be

  • Smaller (all those js files will be opt-in.)
  • Friendlier (to beginners while still powerful and fast for advanced users.)
  • Prettier (I hate the default theme too.)

Thanks for your help and appreciation.

Adam (@yourwebsitesUX)

Would you like to consider rhino based solution to compile less files. It will cross platform.

Yeah, I have to admit this falls outside of my expertise. Really, any kind of script users can run in their terminal right after downloading kickstrap would be ideal. Would this way accomplish that?

I did not try, but you use ant, so java is installed. I see only one problem with coupled less files. I will try to ask author of this project how to handle imports.

Discussion about imports

Would you be able to submit a pull request for this? I'm spread so thin right now.

I have also been looking into this matter, it is very early days and I wasn't going to comment until I know the facts. Also currently swamped with too much to do, just wanted you to know that you are not alone and we appreciate what you are doing.

Against all your warnings that the source base is not ready, it came to be time for me to finally implement which was going to either be boilerplate or bootstrap in any case. I have been keeping an eye on what you guys have been up to for some time and well bootstrap is hard to ignore now isn't it. Now I have bought my piece of land already with blood and tears so to speak so there is no turning back.

Keep me in the loop on this issue so that we don't duplicate our efforts as I am keen on getting it resolved too.

I'm confused, are you saying you're using the RC in production? That's cool. I know a lot of people are doing it anyway including myself.

No not completely correct: I chose to do my current project with kickstrap so it will be in prod soon, if all goes well. I did manage a solution for the duplication, yet still working on that before I will report.

Some other things got bumped up the priorities, like a useable theme. We have to start somewhere...

By the way, as far as the "don't use for production" warning, there are only two potential catastrophies which could result (that I know of)

  1. I'm not keeping track of any "upgrade from 0.9 to 1.0" instructions. When 1.0 comes out, 0.9 users would have to start from a fresh install.
  2. Depending on the LESS compiler you're using, you may end up with really long CSS files which fizzle in many version of IE. This is more frustrating than catastrophic though since you can just use Bless to break it up.

So just keep that in mind and you should be fine.

Bless is only doctoring the symptoms again and that is no good. It baffles me that even the top dogs in CSS compression don't even consider looking at redundant entries. Can you imagine the amount we will gain if they only remove the duplicates lets leave it at that.

What I would ideally like to see:

a {
  width: 5px;

a {
  color: #fff;
  width: 10px;

a {
  width: 20px;

Should reduce to:

a {
  width: 20px;
  color: #fff;

Is that too much to ask? Surely this is not rocket science we are asking for here. I am lost for words that we haven't solved this to date or even considered it a problem. Has no one thought about it? Would you ever be able to believe that?
The fact that later entries overwrite the previous ones is at the core of the CSS specification. Those entries are redundant and will never be used, then why don't we remove them? I noticed that they go through great lengths to identify CSS never used in your mark-up but this simple task was not addressed.

Thanks everyone for your patience. I should be starting on this soon. I'm working very hard to finish my current project by the end of this week, then I'm jumping back into Kickstrap.

Guys, just optimize your CSS:

Doesn't this require having to copy and paste the css into this website every time it needs minification/compression?

Adam Kochanowicz
UX Specialist

Le dimanche, juin 24, 2012 à 3:15 AM, Sean Goresht a écrit :

Guys, just optimize your CSS:

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Cool, thanks.

Adam Kochanowicz
UX Specialist

Le dimanche, juin 24, 2012 à 3:19 AM, Sean Goresht a écrit :

No. Use the linked

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csstidy are not updated by 2007...
it's not support the principal css3 proprerty

Thanks, Mte. That's too bad, it's the best CSS compressor I've seen (read: compressor, not minifier). Maybe we could work off the old script in the future.

i use the command line version of csstidy on debian sid with universalidentgui and the css3 are removed because not supported.
the php version are mantained and updated.
for compress the css i use this