
Removing angular-resource from test folder

Closed this issue · 14 comments

And make it installable via Bower (like everything else) :)

I couldn't find angular 1.1.3+ resource in bower, is it there?

Ah damn it, you also need ngResource unstable ha?

Okay, we got you covered, @johannestroeger sets up a bower package for ngResource unstable. Once it's there I'll add it as a component dependency.

here we go: https://github.com/johannestroeger/bower-angular-resource-unstable

bower install angular-resource-unstable

Turned out that there are issues with component naming since bower 0.9.0 as you can see here. Once this landed, we can go ahead.

Fix landed! angular/bower-angular#15 (comment) Will go ahead.

Hey @ajoslin I just pushed a new branch, so you can take a look at the code. Getting strange behavior when running the tests as you can see here: https://github.com/ajoslin/angular-promise-tracker/blob/angular-resource-dep/test/unit/resource.spec.js#L7-L8

There isn't any Pizza at all :( This breaks with angular-old karma configuration, so angular resource is stable. Can't understand why $resource is undefined. Getting the same error with angular-resource-unstable.

Please take a look at it!


Thanks Pascal - I'll take a look at this tonight or tomorrow :-)


Very interesting - I can't see why it doesn't work. Maybe the bower components are bad? But I looked at the files and they look fine...

Yeap. Same here. I'll take a look by creating a sample app where angular-resource is installed as dependency and see if the same error occurs.

I just made a quick test and wrote a test with angular-resource and angular-resource-unstable for ngTranslate. Both pass. :(

Also, running karma directy (without grunt) doesn't execute any tests?!

So, looks like it a problem with angular-promise-tracker, since angular-resource installed via bower works fine for me in other projects..