A full-stack web application that allows the user to discover eco-friendly products in order to initiate lifestyle changes.
Link to app: https://alt-eco-proj.herokuapp.com/signup
This app allows the user to choose a category they would like to learn more about. The top of the page contains education regarding the importance of choosing eco-friendly products and why current products may be wasteful, while the rest of the page contains links to purchase eco-friendly options. With an app like this, we hope to spread awareness about the importance of the environment and choosing more eco-friendly options for your everyday products.
- Node.js
The app is deployed on Heroku, so the user can view the finished product there.
To view the app locally:
Run git clone <repo-url>
in your terminal to clone the repository
Run npm install
to install all required dependencies
Update your MySQL username and password, if applicable
Run mysql -u root -p <insert your password here>
Run CREATE DATABASE eco_alternative;
Run npm start
The app will run on localhost:8080/
- Materialize (CSS framework)
- Express.js (Server)
- Express Handlebars (Templating)
- MySQL (Database)
- Passport (User authentication)
- Node.js (Javascript run-time environment)
- Sequelize (ORM)
- Kelsey Beffel
- Andrew Rice
- Shannon Line
- Tammy Lee