
[improvement suggestion] color codes for standardized color names

Closed this issue · 2 comments

if you wish you are welcome to include the following color codes for standardized color names
(source: http://www.december.com/html/spec/colordeccompact.html
http://www.december.com/html/spec/colordec.html )

  • additional wishes and proposals appreciated!

(e.g., one could use a variable alpha value by
Stroke( RED, 0.5);

#define RED         255,  0, 0
#define SIGNRED     175, 30, 45
#define STRAWBERRY  190, 38, 37
#define RASPBERRY   135, 38, 87

#define MAGENTA     255, 0, 255
#define DARKMAGENTA 139, 0, 139
#define ROSE        255, 0, 204
#define PURPLE      160, 32, 240
#define PINK        255, 192, 203
#define DEEPPINK    255, 20, 147

#define YELLOW      255, 255, 0
#define SIGNYELLOW  255, 209, 22
#define LIGHTYELLOW 255, 255, 224
#define PAPAYA      255, 255, 126
#define PEACH       254, 240, 219
#define COPPER      184, 115, 51
#define LIGHTCOPPER 237, 195, 147
#define GOLD        255, 215, 0
#define ORANGE      255, 102, 0
#define SIGNORANGE  221, 117, 0
#define TANGERINE   255, 114, 22
#define SALMON      250, 128, 114
#define APRICOT     251, 161, 108

#define LIME          0, 255, 0
#define SIGNGREEN     0, 107, 87
#define GREEN         0, 128, 0
#define LIGHTGREEN  144, 238, 144
#define DARKGREEN    47,  79, 47
#define MINTGREEN   189, 252, 201

#define CYAN          0, 255, 255
#define LIGHTCYAN   224, 255, 255

#define BLUE          0,  0, 255
#define SIGNBLUE      0, 63, 135
#define DARKBLUE      0,  0, 139
#define NAVY          0,  0, 128
#define ULTRAMARINE  18,  10, 143
#define SKYBLUE     135, 206, 235
#define LIGHTBLUE   173, 216, 230
#define BLUEBERRY   117, 161, 208
#define AQUA        102, 204, 204
#define AQUAMARINE  112, 219, 147
#define VIOLET      143,  94, 153
#define WILDVIOLET  130,  11, 187

#define BROWN       128,  42, 42
#define SIGNBROWN    96,  51, 17
#define OCHRE       204, 119, 34
#define BRONZE      140, 120, 83

#define BLACK         0,  0,  0
#define WHITE       255, 255, 255
#define GRAY25       64,  64, 64
#define GRAY50      127, 127, 127
#define GRAY75      191, 191, 191
#define LIGHTGRAY   211, 211, 211
#define SILVER      192, 192, 192

I updated the color names and color code constants just to be integrated into your libs, without extra #include needed if possible, to be used by the end-user right out of the box.

See revision d0e60d3