
This is a personal repository with source code for makerdiary nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle using CMake and the nRF5-SDK. The current examples are importables in CLion and generates .uf2, .hex and .bin files ready to flash on the dongle.

Documentation for nRF52840

Product Specification v1.2: link
Makerdiary nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle: link

Linker Script's Memory Organization

All credits of this section to AndreasF for his guide

For your Application to run correct, the RAM and FLASH start addresses must be correct. There are three things you should consider when you are defining these addresses in your configuration.

  • The Application does not use a SoftDevice or a Master Boot Record (MBR)
  • The Application only uses a Master Boot Record (MBR)
  • The Application uses a SoftDevice

Alt text

For more information: Nordic

1. The Application does not use a SoftDevice nor MBR

If the Application does not use a SoftDevice or a Master Boot Record, then the start address for the FLASH memory should always be set to 0x0 and the start address for the RAM should be set to 0x2000 0000.

2. The Application only uses a MBR

For nRF52 devices, if the Application only uses a MBR, then the start address for the FLASH memory should always be set to 0x1000 and the start address for the RAM should be set to 0x2000 0008.

3. The Application uses a SoftDevice

If your Application uses a SoftDevice the start address for the FLASH memory must be set to the correct value for the corresponding SoftDevice, otherwise the Application will not run. This is because the SoftDevice expects the Application to start at one specific address. The RAM start address on the other hand can vary depending on the number of features used in the SoftDevice, but it has always a lowest possible starting address. If you are unsure on what the correct start address for the RAM should be, then it is possible to find this value using SoftDevice Handler library.

Table 1 below show different start addresses for RAM and FLASH in some of the different SoftDevice versions. As mentioned above, the value of the start address for RAM is the lowest value possible to set for the Application to run. It may not perform as expected if your SoftDevice uses many features.

SoftDevice Version Minimum RAM Start FLASH start
S110 8.0.0 0x20002000 0x18000
S112 5.1.0-2.alpha 0x20000E98 0x19000
S112 5.1.0 0x20000EB8 0x18000
S112 6.0.0 0x20000F70 0x19000
S112 6.1.0 0x20000F70 0x19000
S112 6.1.1 0x20000F70 0x19000
S112 7.0.0 0x20000EB8 0x19000
S113 7.0.0 0x20001198 0x1C000
S113 7.1.0 0x20001198 0x1C000
S113 7.2.0 0x20001198 0x1C000
S120 2.0.0 0x20002800 0x1D000
S120 2.1.0 0x20002800 0x1D000
S130 1.0.0 0x20002800 0x1C000
S130 2.0.0-4.alpha 0x20001268 0x1C000
S130 2.0.0-7.alpha 0x20001230 0x1B000
S130 2.0.0-8.alpha 0x200012B8 0x1B000
S130 2.0.0 0x200013C8 0x1B000
S130 2.0.1 0x200013C8 0x1B000
S132 1.0.0-2.alpha 0x20002800 0x1F000
S132 1.0.0-3.alpha 0x20002800 0x1F000
S132 2.0.0-4.alpha 0x20001268 0x1F000
S132 2.0.0-7.alpha 0x20001230 0x1B000
S132 2.0.0-8.alpha 0x200012B8 0x1C000
S132 2.0.0 0x200013C8 0x1C000
S132 2.0.1 0x200013C8 0x1C000
S132 3.0.0-1.alpha 0x200010E0 0x1D000
S132 3.0.0-2.alpha 0x20001660 0x1F000
S132 3.0.0 0x200019C0 0x1F000
S132 3.1.0 0x200019C0 0x1F000
S132 4.0.0-1.alpha 0x20001470 0x1F000
S132 4.0.0-2.alpha 0x20001460 0x1F000
S132 4.0.0 0x200013C0 0x1F000
S132 4.0.2 0x200013C0 0x1F000
S132 4.0.3 0x200013C0 0x1F000
S132 4.0.4 0x200013C0 0x1F000
S132 4.0.5 0x200013C0 0x1F000
S132 5.0.0-1.alpha 0x200019C0 0x20000
S132 5.0.0-2.alpha 0x20001478 0x21000
S132 5.0.0-3.alpha 0x20001368 0x23000
S132 5.0.0 0x200014B8 0x23000
S132 5.0.1 0x20001380 0x23000
S132 6.0.0 0x20001628 0x26000
S132 6.1.0 0x20001628 0x26000
S132 6.1.1 0x20001628 0x26000
S132 7.0.0 0x20001668 0x26000
S140 5.0.0-1.alpha 0x200019C0 0x21000
S140 5.0.0-2.alpha 0x20001468 0x21400
S140 5.0.0-3.alpha 0x200014B8 0x24000
S140 6.0.0-6.alpha 0x20001530 0x25000
S140 6.0.0 0x20001628 0x26000
S140 6.1.0 0x20001628 0x26000
S140 6.1.1 0x20001628 0x26000
S140 7.0.0 0x20001678 0x27000
S212 4.0.2 0x20000A80 0x12000
S212 5.0.0 0x20000B80 0x12000
S212 6.1.1 0x20000B80 0x12000
S312 6.1.1 0x20001300 0x24000
S332 4.0.2 0x20001E30 0x29000
S332 5.0.0 0x20001F30 0x2D000
S332 6.1.1 0x20002000 0x30000
S340 6.1.1 0x20002000 0x31000

Table 1: Different start addresses for RAM and FLASH memory

Addresses for the ARM GCC Compiler

The ARM GCC Compiler uses a linker file to store the RAM and FLASH memory addresses.

To edit the start and size of RAM and FLASH the GNU linker file:

  1. Open the <project_name>_gcc_nrf52.ld file found in the armgcc folder in your preferred editor.

  2. Located in the linker file is the following code, you have to modify:

    • FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = is the FLASH start address, and LENGTH = sets the size of FLASH
    • RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = is the RAM start address, and LENGTH = sets the size of RAM
  3. Save the file after you have modified it.

Example with MBR

  FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x1000, LENGTH = 0xff000
  RAM (rwx) :  ORIGIN = 0x20000008, LENGTH = 0x3fff8