- Frontend : https://github.com/ak3264114/auction-it-frontend
- Backend : https://github.com/ak3264114/auction-it-backend
Note : It is recommended to run the app on localhost because backend is hosted at onrender and its response time is too late as I am using a free service.
- frontend : https://auction-it-liard.vercel.app
- backend : https://auctionit-r45p.onrender.com
Postman Collection : https://api.postman.com/collections/23038556-495a5bad-d45a-41cb-931e-b084f319ce1a?access_key=PMAT-01HDPTMY80KGS7BJFR66NMZFA5
- SignUp : {{local_url}}/api/user/signup
- Login : {{local_url}}/api/user/login
- verifyEmail : {{local_url}}/api/user/verify-email?token=ey......
- getLoggedInUserInfo : {{local_url}}/api/user/getLoggedInUserInfo
- Add Items : {{local_url}}/api/item/add
- Buy Items : {{local_url}}/api/item/buy/:itemId
- Get All Items : {{local_url}}/api/item/get-all
- Place A bid :{{local_url}}/api/bid/place-bid
- GetBiddingData {{local_url}}/api/bid/getBiddingData/itemId
- Accecpt By(only onwer can accept the bid) :{{local_url}}/api/bid/accept-bid
Note : Please check the spam folder to verify your email.