
Error while running akamai netstorage list <cpcode>

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have followed all the instructions and installed Akamai CLI for Netstorage, but am receiving the following error while running the command akamai netstorage list <cpcode>

vkolla$ akamai netstorage list <cpcode>
Getting directory listing/snapshot/cli-netstorage/node_modules/request/request.js:186self._callback.apply(self, arguments)^TypeError: Cannot read property 'statusCode' of undefinedat __dirname.makeRequest.Promise._nsClient.send (/snapshot/cli-netstorage/src/netstorage.js:0:0)at NetStorageAuth.<anonymous> (/snapshot/cli-netstorage/src/netstorage_auth.js:0:0)at Request.init.self.callback (/snapshot/cli-netstorage/node_modules/request/request.js:186:22)

Please include [AKAM-CASE #F-CS-5905164] in the subject line when emailing Akamai about this case.

I think is the actual cpcode not <cpcode>

You would be running it like this:

$ akamai netstorage list 1234

but only if 1234 was the cpcode you wanted to use...