
AttributeError: 'TexturedRenderer' object has no attribute 'f_list'

Closed this issue · 1 comments


when I try to launch the demo I get this error:

File "c:/users/junfeng/desktop/biblio 3d shape modelling/hmr-master/demo.py", line 144, in <module>
    main(config.img_path, config.json_path)

  File "c:/users/junfeng/desktop/biblio 3d shape modelling/hmr-master/demo.py", line 131, in main
    visualize(img, proc_param, joints[0], verts[0], cams[0])

  File "c:/users/junfeng/desktop/biblio 3d shape modelling/hmr-master/demo.py", line 46, in visualize
    vert_shifted, cam=cam_for_render, img=img, do_alpha=True)

  File "C:\Users\Junfeng\Desktop\biblio 3d shape modelling\hmr-master\src\util\renderer.py", line 80, in __call__

  File "C:\Users\Junfeng\Desktop\biblio 3d shape modelling\hmr-master\src\util\renderer.py", line 240, in render_model
    imtmp = simple_renderer(rn, verts, faces, color=color)

  File "C:\Users\Junfeng\Desktop\biblio 3d shape modelling\hmr-master\src\util\renderer.py", line 194, in simple_renderer
    return rn.r

  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\hmr\lib\site-packages\chumpy\ch.py", line 596, in r

  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\hmr\lib\site-packages\chumpy\ch.py", line 589, in _call_on_changed

  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\hmr\lib\site-packages\opendr-0.73-py3.7.egg\opendr\renderer.py", line 1560, in on_changed
    for mesh in range(len(self.f_list)):

AttributeError: 'TexturedRenderer' object has no attribute 'f_list'

I use python 3.7 and polmorenoc/opendr

Hi this seems like an issue with the polmorenoc/opendr implementation, this was developed before this so I'm not sure what to say. Also, I don't think we use TexturedRenderer at all. If it is related to this repo and if you find a fix happy to see a pull request!!