
Auto tap-tap / click pixelversexyzbot

Primary LanguagePython


Auto claim for pixeltap by pixelverse

Table of Contents


  • Auto Claim Point
  • Auto Claim Daily Reward
  • Suppport Multi Account
  • Apply Daily Combo with User Input
  • Auto Upgrade Pet
  • Input data manually (no login require)


Start bot : HERE

How to Use

Setup Daily Combo

Here's how to use the daily combo function. for example daily combo today is like image below

Okay, then look at the image below. The image below is the sequence of images to fill in the combo.txt file

So, fill the combo.txt with the number and separate with comma (,) for example today is number for the combo is:


Config.json Explanation

Key Value Description
countdown integer (second) sleep time before next claim
interval integer (second) sleep time every account
auto_buy_pet bool (true/false) auto buy pet function if buy pet is available
max_pet integer max number of pets owned if the number of pets is more than or equal to max_pet then the auto_buy_pet function will be disabled.
auto_upgrade_pet bool (true/false) auto upgrade pet function
max_level_upgrade_pet integer max level of pet if level of pet is over than in config.json auto_upgrade_pet function will disable / off


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.

    python site : https://python.org

    git site : https://git-scm.com/

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/pixelversexyzbot.git
  3. goto pixelversexyzbot directory

    cd pixelversexyzbot
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.


    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip


    sudo apt install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/pixelversexyzbot.git
  3. goto pixelversexyzbot directory

    cd pixelversexyzbot
  4. Install the require library

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you termux was installed python and git.


    pkg install python


    pkg install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/pixelversexyzbot.git
  3. goto pixelversexyzbot directory

    cd pixelversexyzbot
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py

How to Get Data

  1. Active web inspecting in telegram app, How to activate follow the video https://youtu.be/NYxHmck_GjE
  2. Goto gamee bot and open the apps
  3. Press F12 on your keyboard to open devtool or right click on app and select Inspect
  4. Goto console menu and copy javascript code then paste on console menu
  5. If you don't receive error message, it means you successfully copy telegram data then paste on data.txt (1 line for 1 telegram data)

Example telegram data

  1. If you want to add more account. Just paste telegram second account data in line number 2.

Maybe like this sample in below


Video Guide & Android Guide

Watch the video via following link for guidance : https://youtu.be/KTZW9A75guI

Javascript Command to Get Telegram Data for Desktop



To support me you can buy me a coffee via website in below


If you have any question or something you can ask in here : @sdsproject_chat

Thank you < 3