
docs: fix issue with rendering text inside SDL section

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The SDL section of Getting Started is showing no text where it should be showing :latest.


Below is the line that corresponds to this issue.

if you scroll to the end, you'll see that :latest is present but for some reason it isn't rendering. perhaps because of the use of HTML within the markdown file as the semantics of the code block seem a bit odd.

| `image` | Yes | <p>Docker image of the container<br><br>Best practices:</p><ul><li>avoid using <code>:latest</code> image tags as Akash Providers heavily cache images</li></ul> |

suggestion: instead of using the code blocks we should be able to use backticks as well as the markdown syntax for paragraph text and unordered lists.

cc @HoomanHQ as he may have some input as to why HTML is being used here, and why this text isn't appearing at all on the page.