
[FEATURE]Better Mouse Support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently, clicking anywhere at least puts the cursor to that position. ash blocks the terminals "drag to Select" implementation and only support CTRL+Movement to mark.
While i recognize that this is a terminal first editor, some support for the mouse would be appreciated, especially when almost all alternatives support it in some from or another. Some of it seems to work already. At least the help window can be dismissed by clicking on the "x". From the top of my head:

  • Drag to Select
  • Mouse Wheel Scroll
  • Clicking in Menus
  • Shift+Click to Select
  • Ctrl+Alt+Click for Multi-Edits

Mouse support enhanced in latest release (0.1.0-dev13):

  1. Clicking on title bar will show menu bar now
  2. Click and right click on editor will place cursor and show popup menu respectively
  3. Dialog boxes can now be moved by dragging on their title bars