
Softwrap, wrap long lines option question

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello. New ash user here (non-technical user)

Great project, I love it. Thanks for ash.

I've tried to find the option in order to wrap the long lines. I cant find any.
Is there an option to wrap the long lines?

Yes! You can go to View > Preferences (or press Ctrl+P), and then turn on either Hard Wrap or Soft Wrap. Please don't turn on soft wrap and syntax highlighting at the same time as it will slow down the application.

@akashnag Oh! My bad. I must have missed the Ctrl+P Open the Preference window in the F1 help menu :/

Thank's for the support :) Closing.

Actually. Im re-opening to recommend bumping the Ctrl+P Open the Preference window at the very top. Im pretty sure that would have had saved this issue. What do you think?

Yes that's a good suggestion. Please change the label though... I will have a relook at the ordering in Help. Meanwhile, you can also check out the keybindings on GitHub: Key Bindings

Please change the label though

I cant find how to re-label a github issue :/

I can't reorder specific keybindings in Help as importance is relative. Also, I would need to then define the order which may be arbitrary. Therefore, I have sorted the list by description so that the commands are easier to find now.