
Problem with the name 'ash' says reddit

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've shared ash on reddit. Looks like the name ash is already taken and/or misleading.

Thank you so much for the share! Really appreciate it! Yes I know about the ash shell. Firstly, ash shell is an abbreviation of Almquist shell while I meant to use the actual English word 'ash'. Secondly, no body uses the ash shell anymore. However unfortunate this might be, but yes you are right, it is taken. I have thought about it but could never arrive at a conclusion what I should do.

Thank you so much for the share! Really appreciate it!

Well deserve it :)

yes you are right, it is taken

No, im not involved in this. Im just sharing the reddit comments. How you name your project is not an issue on my end.

Up to you to close the issue or not. Im just the mail man.

Closing this for now.