
Possible to drive a UI?

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I've recently started looking into the state of Android app writing in Nim. I've previously written an app using SDL2 in Nim which was able to run on Android by using the NDK and some Java shims to set up the canvas and pass some events to SDL2.

This project looks like a promising way to work around the Java shim, and possibly also a way to create native UIs in Nim. But as a stepping stone I was wondering if you know how much work it would be to set up a simple web-view. I was thinking of using this along with something like this in order to write full applications in Nim (and then the web-tech of your choosing, which could of course also be Nim). Not a huge fan of web-UIs in general, but I think setting up the WebView things through this would be a good first step to create "proper" Android apps in Nim.

Let me know what you think. How much work would this be? Am I completely misunderstanding the capabilities of this project? Is everything basically done already and I just need to call some procedures?

Please take a look at the flappy branch - most notably: https://github.com/akavel/hellomello/blob/flappy/hello.nim. It's far more interesting/advanced, and is what I showcased on the NimConf I video.

With that said, I haven't touched the project for a long time, and I heard some reports that it might be Not 100% Compiling Out Of The Box. Still, at the time of writing, the flappy branch was basically what I using to prepare the presentation & video for the NimConf. I can try to help you make it compile if you have trouble with that, and if you're interested to explore it further given the caveats below.

I don't know much about WebView, and I don't have details about Android fresh in my head, so it's hard for me to give a comprehensive answer. Basically, roughly speaking, I believe you should be able to create any Views - as long as they're available at the version of Android you're targeting (this project doesn't allow using the "backwards compatibility" Java libraries provided with Android, which backport some features from later Android versions to earlier ones). You may need to add wrappers for them to yglukhov's android project, though (AFAIR, I did it in a forked copy on my local disk where missing; I tried to push them to my fork on github, but I'm not 100% sure I did it for all of them; though those tweaks are really the easy part). I can try and help you with various smaller questions when you'll have them, esp. when related to details of the project's code; but the current question you're asking feels a bit too big for me now to be able to give you precise concrete answers how exactly to proceed - there's too much I'd have to research and experiment with, and there's even some baseline I knew but now don't remember and would have to dig up in my memory. But if you'd want to try playing with the stuff, I'm happy to try and support you, esp. around things that would not be obvious enough from the existing code.

The hard part you need to be prepared for, unfortunately, is debugging stuff under the Android's notorious adb debugger. In my experience, this project here is close enough to the "metal" of Dalvik (i.e. the FFI boundary), that it's easy to misstep, getting some cryptic failure message in Dalvik logs... if lucky.

In other words: it should be able to totally work for you, but it depends how dedicated you are and how much of masochism you can and want to bear 😅 The promise of having stuff much more lightweight and standalone than with the crazy bloated Android Studio is something I found super alluring (case in point, I can't wrap my head around all the noise in the repo you linked, and wasn't able to find where the WebView is actually instantiated through quick attempts at browsing the repo). So alluring that it made me explore the possibility of whether I could make this project - and then actually succeed in bringing it all the way to working. However, it's totally very much a bleeding edge of the technology at the moment; and it kinda bled me out after I finished the PoC & the NimConf presentation, such that I got tired enough of it to put it on a shelf for unspecified time. I didn't have enough mojo left to try and push it to a polished, shrink-wrapped, ready-to-use package. (Which, from my experience, tends to be the "remaining 80% of work" after doing "the first 80% of work". Although I totally respect this and understand its value; but this time I just didn't make it all the way there.)

Does this give you some kind of a feeling as to what to expect? 😅

Very interesting! I was able to compile the hello example fairly easily, had to generate new certs and such, and fix a tiny bug here and there (and export a field in the standard library). Haven't tried to compile the flappy branch yet, that should presumably work even better. WebView is part of Android, so it hopefully shouldn't be too hard to get working. And judging by the flappy branch a lot of the strangeness has been managed by macros so it appears like it should be pretty straight forward. Maybe I'll give it a go over the weekend and see if I can get a simple hello world web-app up and running.