Parsing GLB file return only Mesh
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I'm trying to load glb file using src file, but when the gltf.scene.traverse return only Mesh (i can't get the Group)
castShadow: false
children: (206) [Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, …]
frustumCulled: true
layers: Layers {mask: 1}
matrix: Matrix4 {elements: Array(16)}
matrixAutoUpdate: true
matrixWorld: Matrix4 {elements: Array(16)}
matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: false
name: "Voronoi_Fracture"
parent: Object3D {uuid: "49CDA510-F10F-4716-BD63-BA994DE881A8", name: "RootNode", type: "Object3D", parent: Scene, children: Array(2), …}
My imports :
import * as THREE from 'three-full'
import fragment from './exploding/shader/fragment.glsl'
import vertex from './exploding/shader/vertexIco.glsl'
I'm using three-full to load threejs with all feature like GLTFLoader and DRACOLoader
Am i missing something when importing libs ?
Never used three-full, might be something with it specifically. usually gltf contains groups and all the stuff. Hard to help you with that =(
ok i'll keeping trying to figure out what's going on ;)
thank you for reading
ok so finally i manage to make it works \o/
for others :
I used NextJs as React Framework
Webpack : use glslify-loader module
test: /\.(glsl|vs|fs|vert|frag)$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: ['raw-loader', 'glslify-loader']
then imports package in your source file :
import * as THREE from 'three'
import GLTFLoader from 'three-gltf-loader'
and in draco.js, i remove THREE prefix and load it as a module
module.exports = DRACOLoader
same for BufferGeometryUtils
Thank you @akella for your awesome work !
Hey @croustibat I'm trying to implement this demo in a Gatsby project, it's also React-based. Since you managed to successfully do it with React, would you mind sharing with me more of your final results? I would really appreciate it.
@dada1smo may be this will help you too