
Images cleanup

damien-carcel opened this issue · 0 comments

  • All images are still maintained by damien.carcel@gmail.com. This has to be change for damien.carcel@akeneo.com
  • Image akeneo/akeneo-fpm and akeneo/akeneo-apache are not usefull anymore, as it only contains some helper scripts (and confusing as they do not contain Akeneo as their name could suggest)
    • first, those need to be directly added to the PIM (CE, EE, dev and std, master only)
    • then, how to use them must be added to the Akeneo documentation => to be done in #274
    • remove Dockerfiles from GitHub
    • remove images from Docker Hub
  • akeneo/fpm tags are to be changed to become php-x.x instead of x.x
    • add new tag
    • remove old one
  • Node image (for Akeneo master) has to be node:8 and not node:8-slim, as this last one does not come with bzip2 (needed for PhantomJS install) Done in the PIM compose file, on master branch