
Release/Issue Date of the RFP

GiViCNW opened this issue · 6 comments

Has the RFP been released? The issue date stated Oct 26, 2017. If yes, where will it be released? Thx

The 26th was our goal. We are still tying up a few loose ends and hope to have the RFP posted early next week.

Just a reminder to ourselves - we'll need to update the dates in the RFP and in the Readme for the first procurement repo once we release the formal RFP.

This was fixed in PR #240 - the final RFP will be released on November 3, 2017.

Thanks, yes I had the same question. Please confirm the draft dated 11-3 now has been officially released? Due 11/27 still? Thank you!

Yes - the final RFP was released. The repo for the new RFP can be found here.

Great, thanks!