Renovate Dashboard 🤖
Opened this issue · 0 comments
renovate commented
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
View this repository on the Web Portal.
These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | @testing-library/jest-native |
Pending Approval
These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.
- chore(deps): 📌 pin dependencies (
) - chore(deps): ⬆️ update alstr/todo-to-issue-action action to v5.1.10
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @vitest/coverage-v8 to v2.1.9
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency cz-git to v1.11.1
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency tsx to v4.19.3
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update vitest to v2.1.9 (
) - fix(deps): ⬆️ update react (
) - chore(deps): ⬆️ update commitlint monorepo to v19.8.0 (
) - chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @t3-oss/env-nextjs to v0.12.0
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency lint-staged to v15.5.0
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency tslib to v2.8.1
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency typescript to v5.8.2
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency vite to v6.2.2
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update postgres docker tag to v16.8
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update turborepo to v2.4.4 (
) - fix(deps): ⬆️ update all non-major dependencies (
) - chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @vitest/coverage-v8 to v3
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update dependency ora to v8
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update github actions (major) (
) - chore(deps): ⬆️ update postgres docker tag to v17
- chore(deps): ⬆️ update vitest to v3 (major) (
) - fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to v2
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @tanstack/react-form to v1
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency @vercel/functions to v2
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency chalk to v5
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency sonner to v2
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency tailwind-merge to v3
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency tailwindcss to v4
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update dependency tailwindest to v3
- fix(deps): ⬆️ update react (major) (
) - fix(deps): ⬆️ update sentry-javascript monorepo to v9 (major) (
) - 🔐 Create all pending approval PRs at once 🔐
Detected dependencies
@biomejs/biome 1.9.4
@commitlint/cli 19.6.0
@commitlint/config-conventional 19.6.0
@t3-oss/env-nextjs 0.11.1
@turbo/gen 2.3.3
@turbo/workspaces 2.3.3
@vitest/coverage-v8 2.1.8
chalk 4.1.2
cz-git 1.11.0
dotenv 16.4.7
husky 9.1.7
lint-staged 15.2.11
ora 5.4.1
patch-package 8.0.0
ts-node 10.9.2
tsx 4.19.2
turbo 2.3.3
typescript 5.7.2
vite 6.0.3
vitest 2.1.8
node >=22
node 22.12.0
tslib 2.6.0
postgres 16.2
oven-sh/setup-bun v2
actions/setup-node v4
tj-actions/changed-files v45
dawidd6/action-download-artifact v7
actions/download-artifact v4
hokify/code-coverage-assistant-ts v2.5
hokify/code-coverage-assistant-ts v2.5
hokify/code-coverage-assistant-ts v2.5
actions/checkout v4
actions/download-artifact v4
alstr/todo-to-issue-action v5.1.7
amannn/action-semantic-pull-request v5
actions/checkout v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/checkout v4
mongolyy/reviewdog-action-biome v1
actions/upload-artifact v4
codecov/codecov-action v5
codecov/test-results-action v1
@auth/core 0.37.4
@convex-dev/auth 0.0.77
@polar-sh/sdk 0.19.1
@tanstack/react-form 0.40.4
@tanstack/zod-form-adapter 0.40.4
@xixixao/uploadstuff 0.0.5
dub 0.46.5
geist 1.3.1
next 15.1.3
next-international 1.3.1
next-safe-action 7.10.2
next-themes 0.4.4
nuqs 2.2.3
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
remeda 2.19.0
zod 3.24.1
@sentry/nextjs 8.48.0
@types/node 22.10.2
@types/react 18.3.12
@types/react-dom 18.3.1
semantic-release 24.2.0
semantic-release-monorepo 8.0.2
typescript 5.7.2
@expo/next-adapter 6.0.0
@expo/vector-icons ^14.0.2
@gorhom/bottom-sheet 5.0.6
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage 1.23.1
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs ^7.2.0
@react-navigation/material-top-tabs 7.1.0
@react-navigation/native 7.0.14
@rn-primitives/avatar 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/portal 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/progress 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/select 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/slot 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/toggle 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/tooltip 1.1.0
@rn-primitives/types 1.1.0
@sentry/core 8.47.0
@sentry/react-native 6.3.0
@tanstack/query-async-storage-persister 5.64.2
@tanstack/react-query 5.62.15
@tanstack/react-query-persist-client 5.62.15
@testing-library/react-native 13.0.0
apisauce 3.1.0
app-icon-badge 0.1.2
axios 1.7.9
class-variance-authority 0.7.1
clsx 2.1.1
expo ~52.0.25
expo-application 6.0.2
expo-blur ~14.0.2
expo-constants 17.0.4
expo-device 7.0.2
expo-font ~13.0.3
expo-haptics ~14.0.1
expo-image 2.0.4
expo-linear-gradient 14.0.2
expo-linking 7.0.4
expo-localization 16.0.1
expo-navigation-bar 4.0.7
expo-network 7.0.5
expo-router 4.0.16
expo-secure-store 14.0.1
expo-splash-screen 0.29.20
expo-status-bar 2.0.1
expo-symbols ~0.2.1
expo-system-ui ~4.0.7
expo-updates 0.26.12
expo-web-browser ~14.0.2
i18next 24.2.0
lucide-react-native 0.469.0
nativewind 4.1.23
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
react-error-boundary 5.0.0
react-i18next 15.4.0
react-native 0.76.6
react-native-edge-to-edge 1.4.0
react-native-flagsmith 8.0.2
react-native-gesture-handler 2.20.2
react-native-keyboard-controller 1.15.2
react-native-mmkv 3.2.0
react-native-onesignal 5.2.8
react-native-pager-view 6.5.1
react-native-purchases 8.5.0
react-native-reanimated 3.16.6
react-native-safe-area-context 4.12.0
react-native-screens 4.4.0
react-native-svg 15.8.0
react-native-swipeable-card-stack 1.9.0
react-native-toast-message 2.2.1
react-native-web ~0.19.13
react-native-webview 13.12.5
remeda 2.19.0
semver 7.6.3
sp-react-native-in-app-updates 1.4.0
tailwind-merge 2.6.0
tailwindcss 3.4.17
tailwindest 2.3.6
usehooks-ts 3.1.0
zustand 5.0.2
@babel/core ^7.25.2
@testing-library/jest-native 5.4.3
@testing-library/react-native 13.0.0
@types/jest 29.5.14
@types/react 18.3.12
@types/react-dom 18.3.1
@types/react-test-renderer ^18.3.0
enhanced-resolve 5.18.0
jest ^29.2.1
jest-expo ~52.0.3
metro-config 0.81.0
metro-resolver 0.81.0
react-test-renderer 18.3.1
tailwindcss-animate 1.0.7
tsconfig-paths 4.2.0
typescript 5.7.2
@calcom/embed-react 1.5.1
convex 1.17.4
geist 1.3.1
next 15.1.3
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
usehooks-ts 3.1.0
@types/node 22.10.2
@types/react 18.3.12
@types/react-dom 18.3.1
typescript 5.7.2
convex 1.17.4
convex-helpers 0.1.67
openai 4.77.0
standardwebhooks 1.0.0
@edge-runtime/vm 5.0.0
convex-test 0.0.34
vitest 2.1.8
@clerk/nextjs 6.9.6
@clerk/themes 2.2.3
dotenv 16.4.7
dotenv-expand 12.0.1
drizzle-orm 0.38.3
drizzle-zod 0.6.1
pg 8.13.1
postgres 3.4.5
remeda 2.19.0
ulid 2.3.0
zod 3.24.1
cross-env 7.0.3
drizzle-kit 0.30.1
tsup 8.3.5
tsx 4.19.2
@react-email/components 0.0.31
@react-email/tailwind 1.0.4
react-email 3.0.4
packages/backend/jobs/package.json 3.3.7
remeda 2.19.0
@upstash/ratelimit 2.0.5
@upstash/redis 1.34.3
remeda 2.19.0
server-only 0.0.1
@sentry/core 8.47.0
@sentry/nextjs 8.48.0
@tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister 5.62.16
@tanstack/react-query 5.62.15
@tanstack/react-query-persist-client 5.62.15
apisauce 3.1.0
axios 1.7.9
class-variance-authority 0.7.1
clsx 2.1.1
i18next 24.2.0
i18next-browser-languagedetector 8.0.2
lucide-react 0.471.0
next-themes 0.4.4
posthog-js 1.205.0
react-error-boundary 5.0.0
react-i18next 15.4.0
remeda 2.19.0
semver 7.6.3
sonner 1.7.1
tailwind-merge 2.6.0
tailwindest 2.3.6
translation-check 1.1.0
usehooks-ts 3.1.0
zustand 5.0.2
@testing-library/dom 10.4.0
@testing-library/react 16.1.0
@types/react 18.3.12
@types/react-dom 18.3.1
autoprefixer 10.4.20
postcss 8.4.49
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
tailwindcss 3.4.17
tailwindcss-animate 1.0.7
typescript 5.7.2
@openpanel/nextjs 1.0.7
@openpanel/react-native 1.0.1
@openpanel/sdk 1.0.0
@openpanel/web 1.0.1
@vercel/functions 1.5.1
expo-application 6.0.2
expo-constants 17.0.4
expo-device 7.0.2
expo-file-system 18.0.6
expo-localization 16.0.1
next 15.1.3
posthog-js 1.205.0
posthog-node 4.3.2
posthog-react-native 3.6.1
remeda 2.19.0
tsup 8.3.5
@vitest/ui 2.1.8
tsup 8.3.5
vitest 2.1.8
dayjs 1.11.13
remeda 2.19.0
@logtail/js 0.5.2
@logtail/next 0.1.7
@logtail/pino 0.5.2
@neodx/log 0.4.1
@rasri/log 1.3.0
chalk 4.1.2
error-stack-parser 2.1.4
pino 9.5.0
react-native-logs 5.3.0
remeda 2.19.0
stack-generator 2.0.10
unilogr 0.0.27
universal-logger-pro 1.2.1
tsup 8.3.5
@sentry/core 8.47.0
remeda 2.19.0
@semantic-release/changelog 6.0.3
@semantic-release/git 10.0.1
@semantic-release/github 11.0.1
semantic-release 24.2.0
semantic-release-monorepo 8.0.2
@radix-ui/react-avatar 1.1.1
@radix-ui/react-dialog 1.1.2
@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu 2.1.2
@radix-ui/react-icons 1.3.2
@radix-ui/react-scroll-area 1.2.1
@radix-ui/react-select 2.1.2
@radix-ui/react-slot 1.1.0
@radix-ui/react-switch 1.1.1
@radix-ui/react-tooltip 1.1.4
@xixixao/uploadstuff 0.0.5
class-variance-authority 0.7.1
lucide-react 0.471.0
tailwind-merge 2.6.0
tailwindcss-animate 1.0.7
zod 3.24.1
autoprefixer 10.4.20
postcss 8.4.49
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
tailwindcss 3.4.17
typescript 5.7.2
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository