
Wrong documentation about the gradle-parameter servletContainer

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Documentation: http://akhikhl.github.io/gretty-doc/Gretty-configuration.html
Sourcecode: https://github.com/akhikhl/gretty/blob/master/libs/gretty/src/main/groovy/org/akhikhl/gretty/ServletContainerConfig.groovy

I was trying to use jetty 9.4
According to documentation, i have to use the following setting in build.gradle: servletContainer = "jetty94"
But the correct setting would be: servletContainer = "jetty9.4"

The difference is the dot between the first and second number.

This was fixed in akhikhl/gretty-doc@dd3b0f8 but the site is not republished.

In the fork this is published at https://gretty-gradle-plugin.github.io/gretty-doc/Gretty-configuration.html .