
Adding more maintainers

AlfHou opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi Akhilrex,

Would you consider adding more maintainers. It would make the project move forward faster, as more people can review and merge pull requests.

If you would consider it, I would be happy to be a maintainer. I think it's a great project that has a lot of potential for future work 😄

I agree and volunteer as well

Likewise, I'm no developer but I can see many possible improvements with the release workflow, and I already maintain a helm chart for this project 😄

Hi @akhilrex, have you had a chance to think about this yet? There's loads of interest in the project, many people creating great issues and PRs, so you need to be responsive to keep the project alive.

It's fine if you're busy with work, but there are people here who are willing to help maintain the project and make it awesome. Thanks 😄

As above, I am happy to provide testing services etc. I am unfortunately not familiar with the programming languages involved, so my assistance there would be limited.

Unfortunately, it seems this project is a bit dead. I've submitted multiple PRs, but without more maintainers they are kind of stuck.

I've decided to switch over to my own fork. Feel free to submit PRs there if you want. I'm a bit busy the next two weeks, but I'll find the time to review and merge any incoming PRs. I would also like to add more maintainers to that project if there's interest.

Thanks @AlfHou. I'll see what I can do re: the test/publish workflow. Would you consider enabling Issues on your fork? I think that would be valuable for creating a roadmap. I think the first goal should be creating a stable release as a starting point, and then in the future we can start incorporating some of the existing PRs

Done. I've also added you as a collaborator @djjudas21, so you should now have some privileges (not sure to what extent, but I assume you can at least merge PRs and the like)

I accepted the invite. Looks like I can push to all branches and accept PRs 💥