
A telegram image support bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Telegram bot which does google image search for your group.




  1. Create a Telegram bot and set privacy mode to False.
  2. Create a custom search engine and get the API key and Search engine ID (See https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/overview).
  3. Create a file named config.json at project root with following contents:
  "bot": {
    "token": "<Telegram bot api token>"
  "cse": {
    "key": "<google custom search API key>",
    "cx": "<google custom search engine ID>"
  1. run npm start to start the bot.
  2. Add the bot to your group.

If you want to add extra parameters to google api calls, specify them in the params field in config.json.

For example,

  // api keys...

  "params": {
    "safe": "medium"