Missing settings and defaultValues in default props
akiran opened this issue · 0 comments
akiran commented
Missing settings
- appendArrows
- mobileFirst
- respondTo
- verticalSwiping
- zIndex
Missing methods
- breakpoint (implement onBreakpoint)
- destroy (implement onDestroy)
- edge (check onEdge implementation)
- init (check onInit implementation)
- reInit (check onReInit implementation)
- setPosition (implement setPosition)
- swipe (implement onSwipe)
- lazyLoaded (implement onLazyLoaded)
Default value is not matching with slick
- prevArrow
- nextArrow
- edgeFriction is .35 instead of 0.15
- lazyload is null instead of 'ondemand'
- pauseOnFocus is false instead of true