
Forcing slide animation when scrolling up and down on mobile

Opened this issue · 1 comments

var settings = {
    accessibility: false,
    dots: false,
    arrows: false,
    infinite: true,
    slidesToShow: 3,
    slidesToScroll: 1,
    autoplay: true,
    pauseOnHover: false,
    pauseOnFocus: false,
    swipe: false,
    speed: 5000,
    draggable: false,
    autoplaySpeed: 0,
    cssEase: "linear",
    initialSlide: 2,
    touchMove: false,
    responsive: responsiveSettings,

These are the settings i am using for the carousel, what happens is when i scroll up and down, the slide is forcibly animated, i have been going at this for over 2 days now, and came to no solution. 

Any body had any luck with this?


This seems to happen because scrolling in mobile trigger the windowResize event.

Seems to happen every time on chrome from my tests, didn't try other browsers. Would a fix here be possible?

cc: @akiran