cutout doesn't work for selections touching three sides of an image
jamadagni opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello. Many thanks for your cutout plugin. I wish it were built-in.
Anyhow, I'm using it with GIMP 2.8.22 on Kubuntu Bionic LTS.
I find that if I make a selection touching three sides of an image, and try to run the operation on it, the plugin gives an error:
Plug-In 'Cut out selected band' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.
Then a separate message:
Calling error for procedure 'gimp-edit-paste':
Procedure 'gimp-edit-paste' has been called with an invalid ID for argument 'drawable'. Most likely a plug-in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer.
After this, the Undo History shows as if I tried to do a full image select and then tried to apply the filter.
Granted, the plugin isn't really needed for removing that kind of a selection and we can just do invert + crop, but it really isn't that elementarily different from making a slice selection in the process of removing unwanted parts of an image, and it shouldn't throw a weird error anyhow.
Hope this can be fixed.
(BTW you have a comment that says it's ridiculously difficult to make a selection to exactly the height or width of an image. But it's not really difficult. You just have to zoom out and you can select from outside the image bounds and it will result in full-width/height selection. Just mentioning in passing.)