:make fails when the file name contains spaces
tantignac opened this issue · 3 comments
On MacOS X, with a file name containing a space, the script seems not to work.
:!java -jar /Applications/plantuml.jar file name.pu 2>&1| tee /var/folders/w8/4yl70ryj3y
instead of:
:!java -jar /Applications/plantuml.jar "file name.pu" 2>&1| tee /var/folders/w8/4yl70ryj3y
(or it could be file\ name.pu
as well).
I guess the quotes have to be added somewhere in the vim-script but I do not know how to do it.
It is ok if there is no space in the file name :)
Thanks, I'll add it when I have time!
I encounter the same issue. I got it working and will explain how in this comment:
In file https://github.com/aklt/plantuml-syntax/blob/master/ftplugin/plantuml.vim looking for the line https://github.com/aklt/plantuml-syntax/blob/master/ftplugin/plantuml.vim#L16 and insert the following code right before:
let s:path="/path/to/homefolder/"
let s:path=s:path.expand("%")
let s:path=fnameescape(s:path)
and change line 16 to
let s:makecommand=g:plantuml_executable_script." ".s:path
In my .vimrc file I added the following line:
let g:plantuml_executable_script='java -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar -v'
Restart VIM and it should work.
Thanks for the fix :)