
Bachelor thesis "Finding Optimal Hyperparameters for Image Cleaning Algorithms for the Cherenkov Telescope Array" at the astroparticle physics (APP) group at TU Dortmund university

Primary LanguageTeX

Bachelor Thesis

This repository contains all the code (mostly LaTeX and Python) needed to reproduce my thesis with a single call to make.


For this thesis to be compiled correctly, the cta-dev environment for python is needed. Install it via the environment file found under:


With this, the whole document except one plot (plots/quantiles_plot.py, build/quantiles_plot.pdf) can be compiled. The latter plot needs data that is too large to store on GitHub and therefore cannot be created. I may add the plot manually at a later date, for now though, feel free to ask me for it.

Building the Thesis

To build the thesis just call make in the root directory and lean back for a few minutes, depending on your CPU speed.