
Latest svg2png patch breaks node 4 compatibility

mrkiffie opened this issue · 4 comments


The latest patch on svg2png v3.1.1 breaks on node 4.5.0

I'm reverting to 1.0.2 until I have time to upgrade node to the next LTS.

I realise that you don't have control over the dependency. Perhaps adding a note saying something like "Node 4 users please use version 1.x.x" to the readme would help other users that encounter the issue.

Perhaps bumping the engine version in the package.json can be included in a patch version.

We had the same issue, 4.5 doesn't know about es6 default arguments (that's the line failing for us)
reverting to 1.0.2 as well.

+1 I have had to do the same

Hm, I'm not sure I understand. @mrkiffie did you use the ^2.0.0 version of gulp-svg2png? If so, this release has a proper engine attribute in the package.json.

Hi @akoenig.

I opened this issued for 2.0.0, when the engine was still ^4.5.5. This was resolved with 2.0.1

At work we are still using node v4 LTS - so we will remain on 1.0.2 until we have upgrade to node v6

I'm closing this issue 👍

Thank you 🙂