
[QUESTION] Unable to Pull/Push code from repository

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I had installed the package few days back and it was working perfectly fine. But after 2 days am facing issue when perfoming any command (involving remote call e.g. push/pull) using Git Plus prompt (Cmd + Shift + P).

Error Message
fatal: unable to access 'https://yyy.xxx.com/XYZ/XYZ.git/': LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to yyy.xxx.com:443

OS : MacOS High Sierra v10.13.6
Atom Version : v1.30
Git Plus Version : v8.1.0

  • From CLI am able to run all the interactions with the repository perfectly fine
  • Am working inside company VPN and repository is also hosted on ORG instance of GITHub

Solutions Attempted without Success

  1. Referred - #575 (comment)
    performing following and restarting atom does not help.
    ssh-add -K

  2. Reinstalling the package through following doesn't help
    apm install

reinstalling the package solved this for me. Though i would appreciate if someone could comment on how to go about debugging such issues?

  • Does git-plus maintain it's own set of GIT config or does it use the global git config?
  • If it has it's own config, where can i edit these?