
Package slowing Atom down

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This package adds a conciderable load on Atom at boot time:

Is there anything that can be done about this? I really like this package, but Atom really slows down after a while.

Can you reload atom 5-10 times and get an average of the activation times? It really shouldn't take that long. I see about 12ms.

Hey @akonwi ,

I've stopped using Atom as an IDE, opting for Phpstorm instead.

Thanks for your reply though, I'll close this issue =)

I'm running Atom 1.39.0-beta3 x64 on a MacBook Pro (2016) with Mojave 10.14.5.
My average start time of git-plus (over 5 reloads) is 435ms.

@robhicks That's odd. Is this a recent development? How many projects are in the window, if any? Have you tried it with stable Atom to see if it's similar behavior?

@akonwi I usually run each project in a separate Atom window. I just tried loading projects in the same window and git-plus loads in about 10ms.
I tried the latest version of the stable branch with basically the same results.
So, it looks like Atom will be faster if I don't use separate windows for each project.

Those are interesting results. I wonder if the big numbers you saw were a bit flukey because I usually have at least 3 windows with multiple projects in them and the load times I see are consistent.