
Doesn't detect DLC's

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello there, I hope you having a nice day. I'm downloading Life is Strange, but the program doesn't detect that I'm downloading anything. Life is Strange episode 1 is the main game, and the other 4 is considered DLC's, so I think that is the problem.

I'm using Windows 10 version 2004 64-bit, English_US.

Life is Strange Appmanifest File (appmanifest_319630.acf)

"AppState" { "appid" "319630" "Universe" "1" "name" "Life is Strange™" "StateFlags" "1044" "installdir" "Life Is Strange" "LastUpdated" "1591871622" "UpdateResult" "4" "SizeOnDisk" "2055902241" "buildid" "2304417" "LastOwner" "76561198163292436" "BytesToDownload" "8686052976" "BytesDownloaded" "551647056" "AutoUpdateBehavior" "0" "AllowOtherDownloadsWhileRunning" "0" "ScheduledAutoUpdate" "0" "InstalledDepots" { "319631" { "manifest" "1504133382031970604" } } "MountedDepots" { "319631" "1504133382031970604" } "SharedDepots" { "228981" "228980" "228982" "228980" "228984" "228980" "228990" "228980" "229032" "228980" "229033" "228980" } "StagedDepots" { "329880" { "manifest" "6686257525367030622" "size" "1654004951" "dlcappid" "329880" } } "DlcDownloads" { "329880" { "BytesDownloaded" "551647056" "BytesToDownload" "1443302064" } "329910" { "BytesDownloaded" "0" "BytesToDownload" "1874391840" } "329920" { "BytesDownloaded" "0" "BytesToDownload" "2421583360" } "329930" { "BytesDownloaded" "0" "BytesToDownload" "2946775712" } } "UserConfig" { "language" "english" } }

btw, the program is working fine with other games, and I want to thank you for making such a useful tool. I wish you the best.

akorb commented

Thanks for your report. Can you please check if the following version works as expected?


Nope, doesn't work. I'm working on an update.

akorb commented

This should work now. Could you verify it please?


Yes, the program works! Thanks again.


akorb commented

Thank you very much for your report. It got me an idea and I think it's way more reliable now than before in many cases. 😄