
Kinect head pose estimation - standalone version with OSC support and pix_head_pose_estimation for Pure Data/Gem

Primary LanguageC++

kinect head pose estimation with OSC support

Includes standalone version and pix_head_pose_estimation Pure Data/Gem external.

Standaloe works with libfreenect, OpenNI or Microsoft Kinect SDK (Windows only)

based on 
Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras 
by Gabriele Fanelli


Application that detects head position from a depth image provided by
Kinect Sensor in x,y,z and Euler Angles (pitch, yaw, roll) 
from multiple persons.

Application sends data as OSC Message in the format:

/head_pose [User_ID] [x] [y] [z] [pitch] [yaw] [roll]

all arguments are float, angles in degree, User_ID starting at zero.

* #.../head_pose_estimation> ./head_pose_estimation_demo config.txt <show visual 0 or 1> <send osc 0 or 1> <osc-ip> <osc-port>

example how to not show visualization and use custom ip and port for sending OSC Messages:

./head_pose_estimation_demo config.txt 0 1 8000

Default IP/Port:

* you can find an example puredata/GEM patch in the folder pd	
to visualize the headtracking.

(C) 2011/2012 by Matthias Kronlachner

Arch Linux

* sudo pacman -S cmake opencv freeglut

* pacaur -S libfreenect openni liblo

* cd demo/
*	#.../head_pose_estimation/demo> cmake CMakeLists.txt
*	#.../head_pose_estimation/demo> make

*	#.../head_pose_estimation> ./head_pose_estimation_demo config.txt

questions: m.kronlachner@gmail.com