
MoneyManagerEx packed as subuser-compatible

Money Manager Ex packaged for subuser

Why - there is no ability to launch latest MMEX on Linux except building it from source. In addition, there is no sign that this situation will change in future.

One important thing - this image is packed without network enabled. I care about my privacy and do not want to share any piece of information with Google. Side effect of that is that you won't be able to update currencies rate.



  1. Install

    $ subuser subuser add mmex mmex@https://github.com/akovalyov/subuser-mmex.git

    Please, take into account that the app will be built from source on your PC, which means - all deps will be downloaded (about 200 MB of packages + git submodules + app itself) and compiled. You will have some time to drink a couple of cups of coffee and relax.

  2. Run

    $ subuser run mmex
  3. Enjoy!

Known issues

  • Locales support is buggy