
Supplement material for the presentation at RubyKaigi 2017: Ruby Extension Library Verified using Coq Proof-assistant, Tanaka Akira, 2017-09-20,

This project contains a Ruby extention library for HTML escape function using SSE verified by Coq.

Home Page


How to Build

cd coq make cd ../ruby ruby extconf.rb make

Directory Structure

  • slide/2017-09-20-akr-rubykaigi.pdf : slide for RubyKaigi 2017
  • coq/theories/natutils.v : utilities for nat
  • coq/theories/listutils. : utilities for list (seq)
  • coq/theories/assoc.v : assoc function
  • coq/theories/ssrstr.v : SSReflect style for ascii and string
  • coq/theories/imp.v : HTML escape/unescape function (including escape using SSE)
  • coq/theories/spec.v : inductive specification for escape/unescape
  • coq/theories/correct.v : correctness proof
  • coq/theories/success.v : success proff using monadification plugin
  • coq/theories/gen.v : code generation script using codegen plugin
  • coq/gen/esc.c generated C source code
  • ruby/verified_html_escape.c : glue code for Ruby
  • ruby/benchmark/bench.rb : benchmark script
  • ruby/benchmark/size-time.png : plot between size to time
  • ruby/benchmark/ratio-slope-point.png : plot between escratio to size/time
  • ruby/benchmark/ratio-slope-smooth.png : plot between escratio to size/time



Tanaka Akira