
CSI driver for sharing Secrets and ConfigMaps across namespaces.

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OpenShift Shared Resource CSI Driver

The OpenShift Shared Resource CSI Driver allows Secrets and ConfigMaps to be shared across Kubernetes namespaces in a controlled manner. This CSI driver ensures that the entity (ServiceAccount) accessing the shared Secret or ConfigMap has permission to do so before mounting the data as a volume into the requesting Pod.

This CSI driver only supports the Ephemeral volume lifecycle mode. It also requires the following during operation:

  • podInfoOnMount: true
  • fsGroupPolicy: File
  • attachRequired: false

Getting Started

The easiest way to use the Shared Resource CSI Driver is to deploy OpenShift v4.10 or higher, and enable the Tech Preview Features.

How To Use

Typically there are two individuals/personas involved when sharing resources:

  • A "resource owner" - a platform engineer or other person granted the admin role in multiple application namespaces. This could also be a cluster administrator.
  • A "resource consumer" - an application developer who is granted the edit role in a namespace.

Sharing resources is done as follows:

  1. The resource owner creates a Secret or ConfigMap to be shared in a "source" namespace. This could also be created by a controller or other system component.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: shared-config
      namespace: default # This can be any desired "source" namespace
      config.txt: "Hello world!"
  2. The resource owner should create a corresponding SharedSecret or SharedConfigMap instance to make the resource shareable:

    apiVersion: sharedresource.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: SharedConfigMap
      name: share-default-config
        name: shared-config
        namespace: default
  3. The resource owner then creates a Clusterrole and Clusterrolebinding to grant permission to the ServiceAccount of csi-driver-shared-resource to access the given resources.

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: shared-resource-secret-configmap-share-watch-sar-create
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["configmaps"]
        resourceNames: ["shared-config"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
      - apiGroups: ["sharedresource.openshift.io"]
        resources: ["sharedconfigmaps", "sharedsecrets"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
      - apiGroups: ["authorization.k8s.io"]
        resources: ["subjectaccessreviews"]
        verbs: ["create"]
     apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
     kind: ClusterRoleBinding
       name: shared-resource-secret-configmap-share-watch-sar-create
       apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
       kind: ClusterRole
       name: shared-resource-secret-configmap-share-watch-sar-create
     - kind: ServiceAccount
       name: csi-driver-shared-resource
       namespace: openshift-builds
  4. The resource owner grants the desired SeviceAccount in the "target" namespace permission to use the shared resource above:

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: use-shared-default-config
      namespace: app-namespace # This is the "target" namespace
      - apiGroups:
          - sharedresource.openshift.io
          - sharedconfigmaps
          - share-default-config
          - use
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: use-shared-default-config
      namespace: app-namespace
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: use-shared-default-config
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: default
        namespace: app-namespace
  5. The resource consumer mounts the shared resource into a Pod (or other resource that accepts CSI Volumes):

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: example-shared-config
      namespace: app-namespace
      serviceAccountName: default
        - name: shared-config
            readOnly: true # required to be true
            driver: csi.sharedresource.openshift.io
              sharedConfigMap: share-default-config

See also:


  • ServiceAccounts must have the use permission to mount the respective SharedSecret or SharedConfigMap. Volumes fail to mount otherwise - see FAQ for more details.
  • Automatic sync of the shared resource data (Secret/ConfigMap) into the mounting Pod.
  • Automatic removal/restoration of shared resource data if the Pod's RBAC permissions change at runtime.
  • Automatic removal/restoration of shared resource data if the backing Secret/ConfigMap is deleted/re-created.
  • Survival of shared resource data with CSI driver restarts/upgrades.
  • Multiple SharedSecret/SharedConfig volumes within a Pod. Also supports nested volume mounts within a container.
  • Reserve a cluster-scoped share name to a specific Secret or ConfigMap.

The following CSI interfaces are implemented:

  • Identity Service: GetPluginInfo, GetPluginCapabilities, Probe
  • Node Service: NodeGetInfo, NodeGetCapabilities, NodePublishVolume, NodeUnpublishVolume
  • Controller Service: not implemented.

NOTE: see CSI Volume Specifics for restrictions around these features for read-only Volumes.


Please refer to the FAQ Guide for commonly asked questions.


See the development guide on how to build and test locally.