
Missing signing

riderx opened this issue · 5 comments

when adding your lib to a project in XCode 14 project won't build because of the lib don't have signed team

Confirm, plz fix

Will take a look

thanks 🙏

Seems adding

s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED' => 'NO' }

in https://github.com/akramhussein/Mute/blob/master/Mute.podspec
fix the issue.
i do a PR

I've merged in #17 and believe it should resolve the issue. It is in the 0.6.1 release.

This seems to be a bigger issue in many pods due to Xcode 14 and this may not be the correct fix for all, especially if you have more complicated projects. If that is the case, I suggest taking a look at implementing a fix in your projects Podfile using a post_install script as explained here. If using that approach, use 0.6.0 which does not have this change.

Thank you to @riderx for the PR #17