
When adding a custom name, the tag to rename it remains visible in newsbeuter

frdrcv opened this issue · 6 comments

Newsbeuter version 2.9:

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Add a feed in URL file

  2. Add a tag with a tilde to have a custom name

  3. Open newsbeuter and see the new custom name followed by the tag to change it.

Other info you think is relevant:
A screenshot of the problem. I chose to view a specific tag for which I changed almost all the names (except Revue Possibles, Porn Studies and Emotion, Space and Society), but the problem happens too when viewing all the feeds.

I couldn't reproduce this. Judging by the non-default theme, your config is not empty; can you show it?


articlelist-format "%4i %f %D  %?T?|%-17T| ?%t"

highlight feedlist    "^  *[0-9]+  *N  "                    color156 default
highlight articlelist "^  *[0-9]+  *N  "                    color156 default

highlight article     "(^Feed:.*|^Title:.*|^Author:.*)"     color75  default
highlight article     "(^Link:.*|^Date:.*)"                 color75  default
highlight article     "^Podcast Download URL:.*"            color71  default
highlight article     "^Links:"                             white    color240 underline
highlight article     "\\[[0-9][0-9]*\\]"                   color72  default  bold
highlight article     "\\[image [0-9][0-9]*\\]"             color72  default  bold
highlight article     "\\[embedded flash: [0-9][0-9]*\\]"   color72  default  bold
highlight article     ":.*\\(link\\)$"                      color74  default
highlight article     ":.*\\(image\\)$"                     color74  default
highlight article     ":.*\\(embedded flash\\)$"            color74  default

color listnormal                                            white    default
color listfocus                                             default  color240
color info default color240

#notify-xterm yes
auto-reload yes
reload-time 30
#reload-only-visible-feeds yes
#suppress-first-reload yes
#refresh-on-startup no
# reload-only-visible-feeds yes
user-agent "Liferea/1.4.14 (Linux; en_US.UTF8; http://liferea.sf.net/)"
article-sort-order  date-desc
confirm-exit yes
browser $BROWSER
#download-full-page yes		# for feeds with link only then dl full page
download-retries 4
download-timeout 60
save-path ~/Documents/textes
feedlist-format " %n %4i %11u %t -- %T"
#articlelist-format  "%4i %f %D   %?T?|%-17T|  ?%t"
#notify-format       "%d new articles (%n unread articles, %f unread feeds)"
show-read-feeds no
show-read-articles no
#notify-program      "/usr/bin/notify-send"
#goto-next-feed no
#max-items 500
#refresh-on-startup no
#text-width 72
#prepopulate-query-feeds yes

# vim like navigation
bind-key j down
bind-key k up
bind-key m toggle-show-read-feeds
bind-key ^D pagedown
bind-key ^U pageup
bind-key / open-search tagselection

bind-key i sort
bind-key I rev-sort

bind-key g home all
bind-key G end all

unbind-key l
bind-key l open
bind-key h quit
bind-key ESC hard-quit

# use macro prefix key ( default: , )
macro i set browser "$IMAGEVIEWER %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "$BROWSER %u"
macro o set browser "$BROWSERCLI %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "$BROWSER %u"
macro m set browser "$PLAYER %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "$BROWSER %u"
macro r set browser "rtv -l %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "$BROWSER %u"

# macro y set browser "$PLAYER $(youtube-dl -g %u)"; open-in-browser ; set browser "$BROWSER %u"

Looking at my screenshot again, I see that every renamed feed loose the "Journaux scientifiques" tag they have, which is the normal behavior since I'm looking at this tag, but those what I haven't renamed keep it, which is another problem.

This line is the culprit:

feedlist-format " %n %4i %11u %t -- %T"

%T here means "the first tag of this feed in the URLs file" (see the docs). Apparently you have something like this:

http://revue-possibles.example.com "Journaux scientifiques"
http://area.example.com "~Area" "Journaux scientifiques"

In other words, it's doing what the docs says, but, apparently, not what you wanted it to do. So let's approach this from another angle: what were you trying to achieve?

I fell victim to the bad habit of copying other's config without reviewing every line of code to make sure it does what I want to do. Commenting the line solved my problem, I'll make sure everything else make sense too. Thanks a lot for the help, and sorry for the wasted time.

No worries ;)