
Windows Command Prompt Font Support

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The default font of Windows Command Prompt does not have some unicode characters unlike Linux and OSX. If you run with the default font Consolas, you will get a result like this:


In this case, you need to change it to a Braille font:

1) Install Iosevka Font

  • Download 01-iosevka-1.13.2.zip
  • Double click to 01-iosevka-1.13.2.zip\ttf\iosevka-regular.ttf
  • In the prompted window, click Install.

2) Add Iosevka to Command Prompt

  • Open Regedit (Win+R type regedit)
  • Open the following subkeys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
  • Add a new String value named zeros (if there is already 00, new one should be 000), and Data Iosevka :


3) Change Command Prompt Font

  • Right click to Command Prompt's bar, go to Properties.
  • Set Font as Iosevka




I have the same issue on Windows 10. I made a Reg file with the font in one ZIP. Easy to use for new users.


Can this just be added to the wiki and the issue closed? It sounds like there's not directly a problem with gtop in this case.