
pub build fails

scriptsrc opened this issue · 1 comments

➜ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.8.3 (Mon Dec  1 07:52:54 2014) on "macos_x64"

➜  git clone https://github.com/akserg/angular.dart.ui.git
Cloning into 'angular.dart.ui'...

➜  angular.dart.ui git:(master) pub build
You are missing some dependencies, so we need to install them first:
Loading angular transformers...
Error on line 21, column 5 of pubspec.yaml: Error loading transformer: Invalid arguments(s): sdkDirectory must be provided.

I have even modified your pubspec.yaml to add code_transformers: '0.2.3+2' with no success. Am having the issue with both homebrew and deb installs of dart.

Any ideas? This issue was supposedly corrected in code_transformers 0.2.3+2 ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27308501/since-when-has-the-angular-transformer-required-the-dartsdk-path-be-specified-in ).

meh. This seems like a dart issue, not an angular.dart.ui issue. Closing issue.