
Flask User Interface not redirecting to prediction layout

mashood57 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I'm a beginner in ML, I'm trying to execute your project for my study purpose and when I run the script deploy.py with powershell, the server execute and when I try to upload image and click on classify, it refreshes the page and is not showing the predicted layout.

This is what error says: - - [05/Aug/2021 04:54:13] "POST /predict HTTP/1.1" 404 -

Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

I thought there might be url problem as the class of predict.html is with def pred_page() so when I do change the url from:

with open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename),'rb') as img:
predicted = requests.post("http://localhost:3000/predict", files={"file": img}).json()


with open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename),'rb') as img:
predicted = requests.post("http://localhost:3000/pred_page", files={"file": img}).json()

it shows this error: - - [05/Aug/2021 05:04:41] "POST /pred_page HTTP/1.1" 405 -

Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Can u help me out on this? There were some missing Import JSON line that I have added during debugging.

Thank You

Are you running both app.py and deploy.py? The app.py contains the model's REST API code and the deploy.py is for the web application.

Are you running both app.py and deploy.py? The app.py contains the model's REST API code and the deploy.py is for the web application.

No, I was not doing this, thank you for your quick response.
It is working now. You are Amazing 👍 I'll definitely ask if I need to ask more, again thank you for your quick response.