

akshat-OwO opened this issue ยท 23 comments

a-dtya commented

Could you assign this to me. I would like to work on this issue

Eager to see what you will do :)

Is there any update on this? I can start the work/

no updates from @a-dtya. Feel free to start working on it :)

Hey, I have external papers, after that, I'll contribute to the same. Also if anyone is in MAIT, I would love to meet for a coffee chat.

@akshat-OwO also point me to some resources on how you want this to look like.

You can have a look in several open-source project readmes. But make sure it includes these:

  • A project banner
  • overview
  • installation
  • contributing guidelines
  • contact information of project maintainers

you can take a look at ipuranklist

if you want help you can contact me on discord: theshinyapple

@0xSaksham you working on this issue?

Hey @akshat-OwO , I am studying for Java paper. I'll be pushing my commit after 20th this month, is it okay?

no worries :) we are also having exams

Yes I know, You guys in MAIT?

No bro, We are from BVCOE.

@0xSaksham bro you done? what's the progress?

Few changes in the readme:

  1. Use this image for the logo instead of the current one https://i.imgur.com/ZKts3W5.png

  2. Put this link for "contribution guidelines" - https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/#how-to-submit-a-contribution

  3. The contact links of all three of us are different, Email for Akshat, Linkedin for Shourya and Twitter for me. Make it uniform either LinkedIn for all or Email (LinkedIn preferably) .

  4. Also the my Twitter profile link redirects to my LinkedIn page? Make sure to check your commits before creating a PR.

There are some basic errors too. You'll find them if your read through once.

@yom4n This was the draft. So I created a PR just to let you know.

I will go through with the changes and submit another PR.

Oh okay, makes sense now. Good luck ๐Ÿ‘.

I'll push changes today or tomorrow.

Also I feel like after port to Next.js the site has become slow. It looks really good for sure.

You meant slow in developer build or in production?

Hey ,
Do you still need help with this?

@vaibhavx42 Yes, we do. Pointers are mentioned in the previous comments you can start your work according to them.

Thanks @vaibhavx42. All good just need some minute changes:

  • edit typing svg it doesn't look good, change it to teal color
  • remove SyllabusX and Table of Contents from "Table of Contents"
  • remove html css and javascript from technologies used
  • remove "Professor recommended books". I think hardly any professor knows about this project. Moreover, we are not referring to any professor.
  • change "made by" to "maintained by" or "maintainers"
  • (optional) add a contributor's section and add your profile in it :)

Your PR will be merged regardless of whether you make these changes or not. But if you further work on this do let us know to wait (max 2 days).
Do suggest if we should make this repo hacktoberfest compatible and merge your PR using hacktoberfest tag.

Hey @akshat-OwO changes have been made .

(optional) add a contributor's section and add your profile in it :)

For now I've added my profile as the contributors. using contrib.rocks might be a better approach as the contributor list grows.

Do suggest if we should make this repo hacktoberfest compatible and merge your PR using hacktoberfest tag.

This sounds like a great idea. Please go ahead and add the "hacktoberfest accepted" tag. I'm happy to have my contribution counted as one of my Hacktoberfest PRs. Thanks for considering it!

solved in #48