Progress bar doesn't work correctly
akshat1 opened this issue · 2 comments
The download progress bar always shows 50%.
(That's because I haven't actually implemented the plumbing to make it work, but creating this bug here as a placeholder).
I fixed the latest progress bar issue only to realise I don't have a good way to make progress bars work with split downloads (where download separate video/audio files). This is because we get our progress values by regexing the ytdl progress output; however ytdl messages go from 0 - 100% for each part of the download. This causes out download to go from 0 - 100, then back to 0, then 100.
There was another issue where we fallback to a default empty progress information (instead of the last known progress status). That one is easily fixable but not worth it until the first problem is solved. I have removed the progress bars (#20), and I'm closing this ticket for now.