
Public repo with code and dataset for Textual time travel project

Primary LanguageLua


This project contails the code for training heuristic and learned time travel models.

Model set up

The model set up and the code is based on EntNet [1] (https://github.com/facebookarchive/MemNN/tree/master/EntNet-babi).


To train a model, run the following command

th main.lua

Corrected ToMi Dataset

The code corrects the errors in second order questions of the ToMi dataset [2] (https://github.com/facebookresearch/ToMi). To run:

python main.py


*[1] Mikael Henaff, Jason Weston, Arthur Szlam, Antoine Bordes, and Yann LeCun, "Tracking the World State with Recurrent Entity Networks", arXiv:1612.03969 [cs.CL].

*[2] Le, Matthew and Boureau, Y-Lan and Nickel, Maximilian, "Revisiting the Evaluation of Theory of Mind through Question Answering (https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1598) *.