
Process Names not showing in web view but they are visible in browser!

amanmj opened this issue · 1 comments

Names of processes are not being listed in webview when sudo ./hogwatch is executed.

![screenshot from 2016-04-30 23-52-57](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7460559/14937747/b336a92e-0f2e-11e6-8e1b-ba8fe43c4a73.png)
Where as when `http://localhost:6432/index.html` is opened in browser, the process names are visible.
![screenshot from 2016-04-30 23-53-48](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7460559/14937752/e73f9ad2-0f2e-11e6-8908-e623a848e177.png)

This issue is related to the webview and it's renderer which is diffcult to test for with different platforms.