
This Repository contains the tasks I did as part joining amFOSS

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amfoss-tasks 2019

Akshay V CSE19005

The list of Tasks is here

I did all the tasks listed below.

S.no Task No. Task Name Results
1) 1 Star all the amfoss repositoris Stared all the amfoss repositories.
2) 2 Programming Tried and completed the problems in both HackerRank and Codeforces.
3) 9 Setup a Simple Personal Website Hosted a website on GitHub and build using jekyll.
4) 8 Captcha Breaking Created a script in Python3 with the help of Pytesseract and PIL libraries.
5) 10 CS50 Watched CS50 lectures upto week-4 and completed most of the problem-sets.(Not Completed)
6) 12 Python Source Created a python script to decode the string which was encoded using this script.
7) 13 Project Euler Used both C++ and python3 to solve the problems.
8) 7 Rusted Email Used Rust programming Language to make a script which checks whether an email address is valid.Used regex crate to complete the task.
9) 0 Install Ubuntu 18.04 Installed and Dual Booted Ubuntu 18.04 into my Laptop
10) 5 Get it using Javascript: Created a website using HTML and javascript which gets the details of the GitHub user by providing the username.
11) 14 Bandit Completed Bandit upto level-11.
12) 3 Google Scraping using Ruby Created a script in ruby which prints top ten results of the inputted keyword.
13) 6 CLI App using Go Created a CLI app which writes the twitter account details of a file from the input of Twitter-handle.
14) 4 Advanced XOR Created two scripts which filters the key combinations and decrypts the ciphertext