Collection of commonly use Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

Most commonly used DSA for solving FAANG / MAANG / top tech interview problems.

  • Array

    • InPlace: Whenever trying to solve an array problem in-place, always consider the possibility of iterating backwards instead of forwards through the array. It can make it a lot easier.
  • 2-D Array

    • Two coordinates are on the same diagonal if and only if r1 - c1 == r2 - c2
  • Tree

  • Segement Tree

    • Choosing what value to be stored in the nodes according to the problem definition
    • What should the merge operation do
  • Graph

    • Union Find (aka Disjoint Set)

      • Check wether nodes are connected or not
      • Find(index): Returns root of node index
      • Union(ind1, ind2): Joins node at ind1 & ind2
      • Connected(x,y): Returns true if nodes are connected (have same root)
    • Construct Minimum Spanning Tree (connect all nodes)

      Minimum spanning tree
      A spanning tree is a connected subgraph in an undirected graph where all vertices are connected with the minimum number of edge. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the minimum possible total edge weight in a “weighted undirected graph”.
      • Kruskal’s algorithm

        • Create a minHeap of edges with compare func on their weights(costs) or can sort edges based on their weights.
        • Keep on poping out edges from minHeap / sorted array till it has edges and count > 0
          • (where count = n-1 as MST only requires n-1 edges to connect all n vertices)
          • If popped out edges are not connected then connect them using UnionFind DS
          • Keep adding weights of newly connected edges
          • count --
      • Prim's Algorithm

    • Single Source Shortest path

      • Dijkstra’s algorithm: Single source shortest path in a graph with non-negative weights (LC Problem).
        • Create adjList if allready not there
        • Create distances array for nodes with default value as Infinity
        • Create minHeap with compareFunc on smaller distances
        • Intialize k (start node) distance as 0 & add it to minHeap
        • Loop till minHeap is not empty
          • currVertex = minHeap.pop()
          • Loop on adjVertices of currVertex
            • if distance[adjVertice] > distance[currVertex] + time
              • distance[adjVertice] = distance[currVertex] + time
              • minHeap.add(adjVertice)
        • Return output max(distance) == Infinity ? -1 : max(distance)
      • Bellman-Ford algorithm: Single source shortest path in a graph with with any weights, including negative weights
    • Topological Sort: Kahn's Algo

    • Bipartite Graph

      • A graph is bipartite if the nodes can be partitioned into two independent sets A and B such that every edge in the graph connects a node in set A and a node in set B
      • Problem : Solution
  • Divde and Conquor (D&C)

    • Divide: Divide the problem into a set of subproblems
    • Conquer: Solve each subproblem recursively.
    • Combine: Combine the results of each subproblem.
    • Merge sort
  • Backtracking

    • Algo for finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problems which incrementally builds candidates to the solution and abandons a candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot lead to a valid solution.
    • Pruning: For backtracking to be efficient, we must prune dead or redundent branches of the search space whenever possible.
    • Template 1:
      def backtrack(candidate):
          if find_solution(candidate):
          # iterate all possible candidates.
          for next_candidate in list_of_candidates:
              if is_valid(next_candidate):
                  # try this partial candidate solution
                  # given the candidate, explore further.
                  # backtrack
    • Template 2 (a.k.a. IGS)
      • isValidState(state)
        • Validates whether the given state is the final solution
      • getCandiates(state):
        • Find list of candidates which can be use to construct the next state based on problem constraint
      • search()
        • Calls isValidState() method to check if state is a valid solution
        • If valid then make deep copy of it & return if required
        • Then loop on get candidates (getCandiates())
          • Add candidate to state & recursively call search() again
          • Back to original state : do backtracking so as to find other solutions
      • solve()
        • Starts with empty solutions[] list & empty state
        • Then search(solutions, state)
        • Return solutions[]
        • This function problem expects us to write
    • Template 2 Code
        function is_valid_state(state) {
            // check if it is a valid solution
            return True;
        function get_candidates(state) {
            return [];
        function search(state, solutions) {
            if is_valid_state(state) {
                // return 
            for candidate in get_candidates(state) {
                search(state, solutions);
        function solve() {
              solutions = [];
              state = new Set();
              search(state, solutions);
              return solutions;
    • N-Queens: no. of distinct ways to place n queens on n*n board
  • Dynamic Programming (DP)

    • Used for problem which can be further broken down into "overlapping subproblems"

    • The problem has an "optimal substructure" means an optimal solution can be formed from the overlapping subproblems of the original problem.

    • 2 ways to implement DP are:-

      • Bottom-up, also known as tabulation (Uses iteration)
      F = array of length (n + 1)
      F[0] = 0
      F[1] = 1
      for i from 2 to n:
        F[i] = F[i - 1] + F[i - 2]
      • Top-down, also known as memoization (Uses recursion)
      memo = hashmap
      Function F(integer i):
        if i is 0 or 1: 
            return i
        if i doesn't exist in memo:
            memo[i] = F(i - 1) + F(i - 2)
        return memo[i]
    • Memoizing a result means to store the result of a function call, usually in a hashmap or an array, so that when the same function call is made again, we can simply return the memoized result instead of recalculating the result.

    • Memoization Recipie

      • Recipie
        • Make it work
          • Visualize the problems as tree
          • Find the base case
          • Implement tree using recursion
          • Test it
        • Make it efficent
          • Add a memo object
          • Add base case to return memo object
          • Store return values in memo
      • Tip: Always try to implement brute force first (make it work ) then only memoize it (make it efficent)
    • Tabulation Recipie

      • Visualize problem as table
      • Size the table as problem inputs
      • Intialize table with default values
      • Seed the trivial answer into the table
      • Iterate thorugh the table
      • Fill further (or current) position based on current (or previous) postions
      • Return the final result from last (or desired) index of table
    • When to use DP

      • Problem will ask for the optimum value (maximum or minimum) of something
      • Future "decisions" depend on earlier decisions
    • Buy & Sell Stock

      • Single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock. (Problem : Solution)
      • You can buy & sell any number of times however cannot buy & sell on the same day. (Problem : Solution)
      • With max 2 transactions. (Problem: Solution)